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Heart Functions Test
Renal Function Test
Liver Function Test
Hormone Test
Liver Function Test
Liver function tests are vital diagnostic tools that assess liver health and detect any signs of liver disease or damage. By measuring various enzymes and proteins present in the blood, these tests can provide valuable insights into the liver's ability to perform its functions efficiently.
Some liver function tests evaluate the liver's ability to produce proteins and clear bilirubin, while others detect enzymes that liver cells release in response to injury or illness.
Common liver function tests include ALT, AST, ALP, albumin, total protein, bilirubin, GGT, LD, and PT. Keep your liver healthy by getting regular liver function tests and taking appropriate measures to maintain your liver's optimal functioning.
Are there walk-in consultations available for Mythri Scan And Laboratory?
Is radiation safe?
Do all medical imaging technologies involve radiation?
Do I get to keep my x-ray images after the procedure?
Who will contact me with my results?